Canine distemper: a deadly virus for dogs and especially puppies that can only be prevented by vaccine.
Distemper: Dogs can die, and the success of treatment depends very much on the responsiveness of their immune system.
Distemper: Dogs can die, and the success of treatment depends very much on the responsiveness of their immune system.
Canine parvovirosis: caused by parvovirus, it is a deadly disease in dogs. The only prevention tool is the vaccine.
Malassezia occurs when the dog's skin defense mechanisms are altered the only effective weapon is prevention.
Overweight in the cat: diet and exercise are necessary to get him back in line and avoid serious diseases.
Fat dogs: poor eating habits and sedentary living predispose dogs to serious diseases that shorten their life expectancy.
Weather swings and colds in dogs and cats: symptoms to watch out for and treatment to prevent them from escalating into more serious illnesses.
Dog coprophagia: why do dogs eat their own droppings or those of other animals? Here are the causes and remedies.
Inflamed dog and cat perianal glands: there are multiple causes but also good remedies to prevent and treat sacculitis.
Dogs, grass and vomiting: there are physiological as well as pathological and behavioral causes behind this unusual habit.
Spaying and neutering rabbits: necessary remedies to make them live serene and stress-free and protect their health and well-being.