Head shaking: quando al cane trema la testa
Head shaking: la sindrome della testa tremula nel cane. Perché al cane trema la testa e cosa fare in questi casi.
Head shaking: la sindrome della testa tremula nel cane. Perché al cane trema la testa e cosa fare in questi casi.
Jack Russell Terrier: barking, digging, noisy, indomitable and indefatigable, he is the Gian Burrasca of four-legged animals but funny as a cartoon.
Go ahead and let a black cat cross your path-the jinx is his alone because he runs the risk of encountering ignorant humans.
Table of Contents 1.What is aldosterone?2.The symptomatology of Conn's syndrome or disease.3.Primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism4.Diagnosis and treatment for Conn's syndrome.5.The prognosis in case of Conn's syndrome.
Nature and endangered species: in Italy, the guidelines of some provinces and autonomous regions in some cases are anachronistic and even scandalous.
American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) and Pitbull: they eat you, yes, but only with kisses. And anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant.
Exercise-induced collapse in dogs: EIC - Exercise Induced Collapse is an inherited disease that causes dogs to collapse after performing exercise.
Office dining: animal welfare and common sense are key to making the office a dog-friendly environment.
Pulmonary aspergillosis in the dog: a respiratory infection caused by Aspergillus fumigatus that is often underestimated but highly invasive. Symptoms and treatment.
Golden Retriever, the true characteristics of the standard: diving, swimming, fetching, playing and "those eyes" capable of bewitching you.