Disabilità nel cane e nel gatto: il ruolo dell’umano
La disabilità negli animali spaventa: l'errore consiste nel vedere la disabilità attraverso la lente delle limitazioni tipiche degli esseri umani.
La disabilità negli animali spaventa: l'errore consiste nel vedere la disabilità attraverso la lente delle limitazioni tipiche degli esseri umani.
Sleeping with a cat or dog is a comfort that regales emotional stability, sleep continuity against anxiety, tension and stress.
Rottweilers: legionnaires, herdsmen, policemen and rescuers, they are dogs capable of doing just about anything.
Neospora caninum: routes of contagion, life cycle of the parasite, symptoms of contagion, and treatment of canine neosporosis,
Thelazia callipaeda is a parasitic worm that causes an ocular disease called Thelaziosis in dogs. Symptoms and treatment.
Bulldog or French Bouledogue: a dog selected to create the perfect companion dog, suitable for apartment living.
The Boxer: a dog that snores, drools, stands with his paws on your shoulder all the time and consumes you with licking, but if it didn't, it would have to be invented.
Head shaking: head shaking syndrome in dogs. Why the dog's head shakes and what to do in such cases.
Jack Russell Terrier: barking, digging, noisy, indomitable and indefatigable, he is the Gian Burrasca of four-legged animals but funny as a cartoon.
American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) and Pitbull: they eat you, yes, but only with kisses. And anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant.