Thelazia e Thelaziosi: i vermi negli occhi del cane
La Thelazia callipaeda è un verme parassita che provoca nel cane una patologia oculare detta Thelaziosi. Sintomi e trattamento.
La Thelazia callipaeda è un verme parassita che provoca nel cane una patologia oculare detta Thelaziosi. Sintomi e trattamento.
Bulldog or French Bouledogue: a dog selected to create the perfect companion dog, suitable for apartment living.
The Boxer: a dog that snores, drools, stands with his paws on your shoulder all the time and consumes you with licking, but if it didn't, it would have to be invented.
Head shaking: head shaking syndrome in dogs. Why the dog's head shakes and what to do in such cases.
Jack Russell Terrier: barking, digging, noisy, indomitable and indefatigable, he is the Gian Burrasca of four-legged animals but funny as a cartoon.
American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) and Pitbull: they eat you, yes, but only with kisses. And anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant.
Exercise-induced collapse in dogs: EIC - Exercise Induced Collapse is an inherited disease that causes dogs to collapse after performing exercise.
Office dining: animal welfare and common sense are key to making the office a dog-friendly environment.
Pulmonary aspergillosis in the dog: a respiratory infection caused by Aspergillus fumigatus that is often underestimated but highly invasive. Symptoms and treatment.
Golden Retriever, the true characteristics of the standard: diving, swimming, fetching, playing and "those eyes" capable of bewitching you.