Pet friendly accommodations (whether vacation homes, bed & breakfasts, hotels or resorts) sometimes hold bitter surprises if they do not have the requirements for the protection of your four-legged friend. How to avoid them?
The number of accommodations that welcome dogs and cats is steadily increasing.
However, in some cases the information released by the managers of these facilities can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, exposing you and your four-legged friend to unpleasant surprises.
Basic requirements of a pet friendly facility
A facility is truly pet friendly when four-legged animals are considered guests on a par with humans and are cared for and pampered as such.
From this, which is not a detail, here is a set of initial requirements that a facility should offer:
- A clear and detailed internal regulation specifying the access allowed to dogs and those that are precluded, such as the pool or restaurant or other common areas
- No restrictions on the size or breed of dog
- The presence or availability of a Veterinarian in case of need and urgency
- Ensuring that dog-friendly areas are safe and escape-proof
Inform yourself well before booking and get confirmation that the facility meets your needs and those of your dog-this is the only way to avoid unpleasant and bitter surprises that could ruin your well-deserved vacation.
Having made an initial selection, then request all the documents that an accredited pet friendly facility must have.
Pet friendly yes but with certificate!
Many accommodations generically and roughly boast the ability to accommodate four-legged animals.
Since 1999, Dogwelcome has been awarding truly pet friendly accommodations the first Certification in Italy inherent to hospitality.
is the first project of its kind in Italy, born in the now distant year 1999, and selects and indicates to its users, with their help, the best accommodations that accept animals.
This is the first, true and original Welcoming Certification specifically dedicated to the best pet friendly accommodations where animals are truly welcome.
Staff Requirements
Before booking a vacation, you would do well to ask the selected facility, in addition to the aforementioned Internal Rules and Certification, about the requirements and skills of the Staff.
The presence of a Veterinarian within the facility is essential but not sufficient; to manage and conduct the vacation of all human and nonhuman guests within the facility, it is necessary for the staff in charge to be qualified and certified.
Qualified pet sitters are specially trained professionals who can handle dogs and cats both physically and psychologically in any environment and situation.
These professionals, in addition to their knowledge of dogs and ethology, are able to intervene decisively in any problematic situation, know how to handle critical issues and prevent unpleasant situations in high-density four-legged settings.
The moment you entrust your four-legged pet to a facility or pet sitter, let it be clear that you are formalizing a proper custodial agreement under Art. 1766 c.c.
Civil and criminal liabilities of the janitor of the pet friendly facility
Art. 1766 c.c. defines deposit as the contract by which one party, called the depositary (in this case, the pet sitter or accommodation facility), receives from the other, the depositor (i.e., the owner of the animal), a movable thing assuming, at the same time, the obligation to keep it and return it in kind.
Any damage done to or by your four-legged animal to a third party is chargeable to the person who has custody of it at the time, unless you prove unforeseeable circumstances.
Responsibilities and obligations of the owner
You also have obligations and it is always good to remember them.
The owner of a dog is obliged to identify it with a microchip and register it with the dog registry.
In addition, the dog must be up to date with vaccinations.
On vacations, compliance with these obligations is also being monitored by receptive facilities.
Some receptive facilities also require a certificate of good health and successful prophylaxis from internal and external parasites.
The request is justified by the hotelier’s obligation also to protect the health of other guests, human or animal.
If you are planning your vacation with a dog in tow, contact our Staff Doctors in time for a checkup and vaccine booster shots needed to get your health record in order.
We also remind you that in case of need and urgency Clinica La Veterinaria is always open h24 every day including holidays and with First Aid service from 8 pm to 8 am.
For the joy of seeing them HAPPY