Turkish Angora cat: if you whisper a wish in his ear, he will grant it

Turkish angora cat
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Turkish Angora cat: the cat that makes your wishes come true

The Turkish Angora is the iconic cat of Turkey and is considered one of the oldest feline breeds in the world.

It is named after the very city of Ankara, the capital of Turkey, which was formerly called “Angora.”

A really suggestive Turkish legend is that there are some cats with special powers, called the cats of desire.

Wish cats have the power to make wishes come true that are whispered in their ears by the people they love most.

The angora cat is one of them, but other fabulous stories are also told around this majestic white kitty with a silky coat and bushy tail.

One of these is that Muhammad had a beloved red-haired cat named Muezza.

Snow during a harsh winter whitened its fur, and from that moment on, the prophet’s favorite companion turned white.

The cat of the sultans

The first traces of ancestors of this breed date back to the late 15th century, and even then they were known for their magnificent fur.

This characteristic made them favorites of the sultans but soon the fame of their beauty crossed the borders of the Ottoman Empire: even Cardinal Richelieu and Queen Marie Antoinette were so enamored of them that they surrounded themselves with them in their palaces.

In the late 1800s, angora cats were crossed with other cats to create the Persian

The emergence of the Persian led the angora to extinction in Europe and America while in Turkey, it was hailed as a national treasure and the Turkish government began a protection and breeding program at zoos in Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul.

It was only in 1960 that some breeders obtained permission from the Turkish government to export cats from zoos and repopulate the breed in both America and Europe.

The breed was officially recognized in 1978, and since then it has been one of the most popular cats not only because of its beauty but also because of its affectionate nature, capable as it is of establishing strong emotional bonds with its humans and other family animals.

Ankara Kedi, Van Kedi, Teku and Sarman and Kinali Kedi

In Turkey the rule applies that the Turkish Angora must have white fur.

However, in the 1990s FIFE (International Feline Federation) also introduced other colorations and specifically:

  • white with blue eyes i.e. theAnkara Kedi
  • white with differently colored eyes, the Van Kedi
  • silver tabby i.e., tiger-colored on a gray base called Teku
  • Red tabby or Sarman, brindled on red color base
  • Van coloring i.e. two-color or three-color defined Kinali Kedi

Whatever color it is, the Angora is distinguished by its coat: silky, thick and denser on the neck and with a long, fluffy, soft and fluffy tail.

Its long hair is the result of a natural mutation and not of purposeful selection.

It is a graceful, elegant but at the same time strong-built cat, very long-lived: it is estimated that it can reach 20 years of age.

Disorders of hearing and sense of balance

As with other purebred felines, the Angora cat may be predisposed to the development of certain disorders and diseases:

  • Deafness (in the case of white angora)
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Ataxia

The rule is always the same: regular periodic checkups at your trusted veterinarian allow you to monitor the health of your Angora as well as any other animal.

In any case, should you notice the appearance of symptoms, signs or behavioral changes in your Angora’s habits, do not underestimate them and promptly contact your Vet.

To have your angora cat checked, for vaccines or a periodic checkup, contact the veterinary doctors on our staff who are always available to you.

We would also like to remind you that Clinica La Veterinaria is always open h24 every day including holidays and with First Aid service from 8 pm to 8 am.

For the joy of seeing them HAPPY

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