What diseases affect the cat’s eyes, how to recognize and treat them? Here is an overview of the most common ones.

Occhi del gatto: le patologie più diffuse | Clinica La Veterinaria
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The most common cat eye diseases and inflammations have very similar symptomatology.

The presence of discharge, blood and pus in the cat’s eyes is the most obvious and alarming.

Swelling or redness may also occur.

Also: photophobia, pain, pupil opacification.

These are all symptoms that cause the cat to keep its eyes half-closed or rub them with its paws in an attempt to relieve the discomfort it is experiencing.

Cat eye diseases: primary or secondary?

Cat eye diseases can be primary, that is, they affect the eye directly, or secondary, that is, they occur as a result of another disease such as
FIV and FeLV or chlamydia

Insect bites, scratches or foreign bodies can also lead to the onset of infection and inflammation.

Conjunctivitis is the most common cat eye disease

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the eyeball, as well as the inside of the eyelids.

It can be bacterial or viral in origin, and treatment depends, precisely, on its severity and the trigger that caused it.

Lesions of the cornea

The cornea is the transparent membrane covering the front of the eye, through which the iris and pupil can be glimpsed.

One of the most common causes of corneal injury is trauma, scratching, or the presence of foreign bodies that, in contact with the eyelid, can more or less severely injure the cornea.

Typical symptoms of corneal ulcer are: redness, excessive tearing in the cat, pus, and intense pain.


Cataracts consist of an opacification of the crystalline lens.

The lens is a part of the eye that looks like a lens and is located just after the iris.

It is an ocular disease typical of cats in old age: the main symptom is an opacification of the pupil.

In young specimens, it may result from congenital disease or metabolic disorders.

Nuclear sclerosis

Sclerosis also nuclear cat Is one of the consequences of aging.

It manifests through a patina around the pupil that alters its appearance and can be confused with cataracts.


Glaucoma is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of aqueous humor in the eye resulting in a progressive increase in eye pressure.

La high ocular pressure results in degeneration of the retina and optic nerve, so glaucoma can cause blindness or partial loss of vision.


The uvea is a vascular structure formed by the iris and ciliary body (anterior uvea), and the choroid (posterior uvea).

Uveitis is referred to when in the presence of inflammation of one of the parts of the uvea and can affect one or both of the cat’s eyes.

Symptoms also vary according to the different types of uveitis: in chronic (slower developing) uveitis, the eye may change color permanently due to damage to the iris (iritis) and there may be a greater predisposition to develop cataracts.

It is usually a secondary disease whose causes can be multiple.

Any abnormality in a cat’s eyes should be attended to as quickly as possible

The veterinary ophthalmologist will determine the cause and intervene with appropriate therapy that treats both the causes and symptoms of the condition found.

We would like to remind you, in this regard, that at our facility you can submit your dog to a complete check-up and the necessary clinical examinations, taking advantage of the advice of specialized Veterinary Doctors including an ophthalmologist.

And again, in case of need and urgency Clinica La Veterinaria is always open, every day including holidays h24 and with First Aid service from 8 pm to 8 am.

For the joy of seeing them HAPPY

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