Dogs in the office: here are the rules for peaceful coexistence with your colleagues and respectful of your four-legged friend’s well-being

Cani in ufficio | Clinica La Veterinaria
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Dogs in the office: office workers and employees are expressing more than ever the desire to bring their dogs with them to workplaces.

There’s no denying it: we moms and dads of four-legged children experience anxiety and guilt at having to leave dogs and cats alone at home for hours until we get home from work.

The solution might be to bring dogs and cats with into the office but is it possible to do so in Italy?

Well, allowing employees to bring their dogs into the office is an opportunity that several companies are beginning to consider.

The ability to bring animals into the office abroad is already a reality

Back in the early days, between 1995 and 1996, thePet Sitter International (Psi)Association launched a truly pioneering initiative.

The proposal was that employees and employees be granted the right to bring their dogs with them to the company workplace.

The Association, founded in 1994 by Patti J. Moran, has always stood out for its commitment to promoting campaigns and events that benefit animals.

“Take your dogtowork day” (literally Take Your Dog to Work Day) is the slogan specially coined on the occasion of International Dogs In Office Day, celebrated worldwide on June 23.

England, the United States and Canada now boast the highest number of Pet Friendly businesses, where bringing your own dog is now an established custom.

And in Italy how does it work and what does the law say about dogs in the office?

Currently in Italy there is no specific legislation governing the presence of one’s dog in the workplace, let alone prohibiting it.

It is up to individual companies to decide whether or not they can bring their dogs into the office, as well as to determine what rules must be followed.

Pet Friendly businesses can decide whether to reserve special rooms i.e.,“pet rooms,” rooms or gardens set up to accommodate dogs and in which they can roam freely.

Or they can allow dogs to enter the office directly and be welcomed, kept on a leash, next to their human companion’s desk.

All, of course, provided a set of rules of conduct are followed.

Handling dogs in the office: regulations but mostly common sense

If the company you work for allows you to bring your dog into the office, take a few simple precautions so your four-legged friend can avoid causing harm.

So, you should observe a code of conduct that respects the needs of those who work with you, including your dog, so as to avoid quarrels and even possible legal problems.

The first rule to follow: don’t force your colleagues to interact with your dog if they don’t like direct contact with animals

Respect their space and always keep your dog on a leash near you.

Normally dogs are not allowed in certain areas:

– Areas where employees eat meals
– In the meeting rooms
– Inside the bathrooms
– Always respect “off limits” areas is the second most important rule.

Most importantly, observe your dog well to see if the office is a place where he is comfortable.

Assess your dog’s temperament first before deciding whether to bring him to the office

If your dog is one who does not like to interact with others, whether people or animals, an office is probably not an ideal place to take him.

On the other hand, if he is well socialized, initially take him with you for only half a day.

By doing so, he can slowly get used to the new environment.

Watch his reactions carefully: if you notice discomfort and stress, don’t force him or push him to the bitter end.

Remember that your dog’s mental and physical well-being always takes priority over your desire to have him or her with you in the office.

Arrange for the office to be “dog-friendly”

– Remove or place in safe areas poisonous plants, dangerous wires and electric cables
– Confines toxic products, materials, or cleaners to inaccessible areas
– Make sure there are no escape routes or elements of danger

Carry a bag or backpack with everything the dog may need:
– bowls
– water and food
– hygienic bags for droppings
– first aid kit for emergencies
– Medications (in case he/she is suffering from particular diseases)
– spare leash and health booklet

Schedule the break in which to take him out of the office for his walk.

Keep the space where you nap or eat clean, tidy, fragrant and sanitized.

Check that your dog is up to date with vaccinations: for his health and well-being and in anticipation of close encounters with other “fellow” office dogs, it is essential to protect him.

For follow-up visits and vaccine prophylaxis, our Staff Physicians are always available to you.

We also remind you that in case of need and urgency Clinica La Veterinaria is always open h24 every day including holidays and with First Aid service from 8 pm to 8 am.

For the joy of seeing them HAPPY

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