Squirrel Day, the greenskeeper

Squirrel His Day | The Veterinary Clinic
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Squirrel: the world day

Squirrel: World Squirrel Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of natural habitat conservation and appreciate the role this small animal plays in our ecosystem. Every day, loss of natural habitat and pollution threaten the lives of many species, including squirrels and all large and small woodland dwellers. Squirrels are estimated to have appeared about 36 million years ago in North America. Because of their ability to adapt to various environments, squirrels have spread throughout the world, except to Australia and the more isolated parts of the Arctic and Antarctic.

From Native Americans with Pillillooeet to Walt Disney with Cip and Ciop

In Native American culture, the squirrel known as Pillilooeet, represents preparation and hoarding, as this rodent is known to gather food and hide it for the winter. In some African legends, squirrels are seen as a symbol of cunning and intelligence. And how could we not mention the legendary duo Chip ‘n’ Dale viz. Chip and Ciop, created by the pencil of Walt Disney? The quirky pair of squirrels have a clear goal: to always give poor Donald Duck a run for his money.

Arboreal and terricolous squirrels

There are two categories of squirrels: – the terricolus which lives in underground tunnels known as the “prairie dog”-thearboreal who spend most of their time in trees such as the gray and red The gray squirrel is the one that happens to be seen in our parks. Native to North America, they were introduced to Europe and quickly thrived. They are known for their gray fur and thick tail, which they use to keep their balance as they hop between branches. Smaller in appearance than the gray, the red squirrel has reddish fur and a voluminous tail. Shyer than the gray, the red tends to live in coniferous forests.

Jumping ability and exceptional memory

Squirrels are known for their incredible jumping and climbing skills, but few people know that they also possess an exceptional memory. These rodents hide thousands of nuts, acorns and hazelnuts each year. It is estimated that a squirrel can hide up to 10,000 nuts during the fall. Habitually, the squirrel hides excess food in small holes that it then carefully covers and hides. These small reserves prove very useful during times when finding food is difficult, and squirrels can remember where they buried about 70 percent of their supplies. The nuts that remain buried later sprout and contribute to the growth of new plants, thus playing a crucial role in the ecosystem. So, in a sense, squirrels are the “maintainers” of greenery.

Curiosities and information about the squirrel

-He can jump up to 10 feet, which is quite impressive considering his stature. -Some squirrels have a membrane between their front and hind legs that allows them to glide from tree to tree. -Their teeth grow continuously, and continuous and constant chewing keeps them at an appropriate length. -Nuts, seeds and tree bark are part of their diet but when it comes to eating, squirrels do not disdain to plunder food left unattended during picnics. -Communicates with fellow squirrels with a variety of sounds, including snaps, whistles and even high-pitched shrieks to warn mates of danger.

Recall that with the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 135 of August 5, 2022, the ban on importing, keeping and trading “live animals of wild and exotic species taken from their natural environment” was triggered.

If you ever think of capturing a free-ranging specimen in the wild to make it a pet, get it out of your head. The only squirrels you can adopt in Italy are from specialized breeders.

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