Dog tracheal collapse: diagnosis, treatment and life expectancy
Dog tracheal collapse: consists of a syndrome of respiratory failure due to crushing of the trachea. What treatment to apply to the dog to ensure a good quality of life?
Dog tracheal collapse: consists of a syndrome of respiratory failure due to crushing of the trachea. What treatment to apply to the dog to ensure a good quality of life?
Epilepsy in dogs and cats: why seizures come, how to manage seizures and spasms, and what therapy to take.
Mastocytoma dog: symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis. Cytological examination, histological examination, and staging needed to determine the appropriate therapeutic treatment.
Dog clothes and coats: which dogs really need them and why other clothes and accessories are unnecessary and disturbing trappings for the animal.
Dogs can eat chestnuts in limited quantities: here are the quantities of fruits and vegetables for dog and cat feeding in autumn.
Coccidia and coccidiosis dog and cat: coccidia infections can lead puppies to death if not detected in time.
Strongyles are pulmonary parasites that infest the respiratory system of dogs and cats. How to protect our four-legged friends?
Stress in the dog upon returning from vacation: how to ease his return to routine and activities to do together to help him calm down.
Dog sitters: how to tell an amateur from a professional and why it is important to choose a truly qualified operator.
Vestibular syndrome in dogs: can affect four-legged animals at all ages but is particularly prevalent in older dogs.